Wigglesworth and Riley family history

Including some local history of Dethick, Lea & Holloway, and northern Matlock (Derbyshire)

Wigglesworth WIGGS Riley Local history Links

Book list
Fred Walsh Wigglesworth
George Metcalfe Wigglesworth

George Walsh Wigglesworth

George Walsh Wigglesworth and his paternal forebears.

George Walsh Wigglesworth is well remembered by his grandchildren and investigating his life has shown how little we know. His single mother's life in not recorded, the financial trauma which made them leave Embsay and Skipton confused. It is clear never-the-less he was a valued and trustworthy member of society.


To download the story of George Walsh Wigglesworth right click here download file and select "Save Target As".

South View Terrace, Embsay where the first children of the family were born


Copyright George & Margaret Wigglesworth 2006